Ben Warner,

Creator of Tydebox

Growing up with crafty parents, Ben was always building something in the garage or on his workbench he had set up in his bedroom. He would take apart anything he could get his hands on just to see what was inside. When he was 12, Ben received a 200-in-1 electronics project lab of yesteryear for Christmas, sparking a lifelong interest in electronics and a career in the electronics industry.

Ben’s love of surfing and the ocean sparked the next project that would satisfy his inner maker gene. Inspired by the modern surf tide watch, Ben envisioned a piece of art that conveyed the same information but in a more beautiful manner; something functional that every ocean (and art) lover could enjoy when they weren’t near the water. “The idea first came to me around 2013, but I quickly found out that many of the mechanisms needed to make the tydebox a reality were too expensive, not small enough, or didn’t exist off the shelf. After almost giving up several times, I realized that I needed to design my own mechanism for controlling the bar movement.”

The result is Tydebox: a modern, creatively engineered masterpiece built to exhibit the beauty of the ocean tide heights in your home, office, or any empty wall space of your choosing.

“Creating the tydebox has checked every one of my interests; electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, software engineering, metalworking, and woodworking. It has been a challenge and a pleasure and is ready for the world to enjoy.”